The Creativity Myth

I love creating. I get excited by speaking to people who create. The bloggers, video creators, Instagrammers, Tik-Tok’ers, artists, singers, musicians and the likes.

But here’s the thing- only a handful of people I know create stuff. Procrastination aside, a lot of them state lack of ‘creativity’ as a blocker to get started.

Here are 7 things about creativity that I observed, and learnt over the years.

Even the best creators we know seek inspiration from somewhere. Don’t let originality stop you.

Art manifests itself when you connect things you’ve read, observed and seen.

All of us overestimate our ability to remember things. Note down and preferably record ideas as soon as they come to you.

Creativity ceases the moment you close yourself to a single vantage point. Explore, speak and read about things that don’t align with your world view.

You don’t need to be an expert to be creative or share things. You can document your journey/learnings along the way.

Most creators I know sweat the small details. Sit on their idea before they feel bored or discouraged. Always work with a deadline or an MVP in mind. We can figure stuff along the way.

I often fall into the trap of wanting to sound intelligent and hence creating things that will get me eyeballs.

Create things for personal joy. Because you enjoy doing them!