Non-Negotiables As A Guardrail

I find myself taking too many decisions all the time. And seemingly smaller decisions are the ones that take the most time. This stems from my urge to constantly ‘please’ people and my inability to say NO.

Agreed, life would be much better if I could do away with both traits. But I’ve found my unique way of coping with these shortcomings- having non-negotiables to aid my decision making.

Some of my non-negotiables include

And the I have a few more that I’m not comfortable sharing.

Do I stick by all of them all the time? Probably not. But these guardrails help ease my decision making process.

I ensure I spend less energy on deliberating and countless conversations in my head. At least on things that are important to me.

I’m just there when people are ranting (instead of offering my advice). I don’t give a compliment unless I feel genuine about it.

You get the drift…